1/11/14: Nerve damage, FB Ads, more!

1/11/14: Nerve damage, FB Ads, more!

You saw it here first.

Good morning!

You know how Facebook was prompting users to share their life events?

You know, things like buying a house, getting married, getting a new job….

Now you know why.

Who else called it?

I’m writing this around 4:04am or so.     Looks like I might have a bit more healing to do with my surgery, nerves are still damaged in my knee.  These things happen.  Could be worse!  It sure does give me reasons to change the way I market….more on that soon.

And!  Did you catch the new offering at http://askbling.com/vcefbgm ?  Price starts to increase Sunday night!

In my Mastermind at http://askbling.com/btlace , one of our students encountered a newbie without a clue; really glad to see how professionally she handled it.   It’s amazing the attitudes some people will have, even when others go out of their way to help!

It’s 34 days until Valentine’s Day!  Are you considering a product for it?

Today I am NOT releasing a product! If you are releasing a product, let us know!  And while I specialize in Authority Marketing, I do NOT focus on automotive marketing in Defiance, OH .  Greetings all Defiance OH automotive marketers, you shine!

It’s also Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day too! http://www.holidayinsights.com/other/puddle.htm .   Heh, it’s that day every day with my kids. 🙂

Today’s Authority News:

8 Smart Ways to Combine Blogging with Email Marketing for Best-Selling Results

Tomorrow’s Inspiring Quote:

  • “A goal is not always meant to be reached. It often serves simply as something to aim at.” – Bruce Lee

Have a great day!


Grow strong,

Barbara Ling