👍Quick Recap: ==> OFFLINE: Instant expert?:  Instant Expert – Lands High Paying Clients with Confidence & Authority

👍Quick Recap: ==> OFFLINE: Instant expert?: Instant Expert – Lands High Paying Clients with Confidence & Authority

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and this just went live!


==> Instant offline expert

Your Benefits:  You discover how to become an expert in any niche online!


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want you to learn:

Module One lays the foundations for our whole system. You’ll learn what an expert actually is. (Probably not what you think.) And, you’ll gain the conceptual understanding to start implementing our system quickly and easily!

  • Lesson One–You…An Instant Expert!: In this lesson, you’ll learn what an expert actually is. (You might think you know this, but we can absolutely guarantee you that you don’t.)
  • Lesson Two–Our Proven Instant Expert Triad: Being an expert is a function of Trust, Confidence, and Influence. In Lesson Two, you’re going to learn the details about establishing all of this in your market area fast!
  • Lesson Three–Instant Trust: You might think that it would take a long time to establish trust in the minds of your target market. Not so! Lesson Three shows you exactly what to do to achieve this.
  • Lesson Four–Instant Confidence: Building on trust, you can rapidly establish confidence in your target market. In this lesson, we show you exactly how to do this.
  • Lesson Five–Instant Influence: In Lesson Five, you’ll learn how to create a tidal wave of market Influence! When you get to this level, you’ll either have to double your prices (or more) or turn away business!


Aim!…Module Two

Module Two is all about crafting your messaging, targeting your audience, and not letting obstacles stop you.

  • Lesson Six–Crafting Your Message: If you’ve wondered exactly how you can get complete strangers who’ve never met you to think of you as an expert, Lesson Six will answer that question.
  • Lesson Seven–Corraling Your Herd: Your “herd” is your audience. Now that you’ve got the right message (Lesson Six), you need to get that message in front of the right audience. You learn that in this lesson.
  • Lesson Eight–Becoming Unstoppable: Lesson Eight is all about breaking free and not letting obstacles stop you. After this lesson, you’re going to breathe a sigh of relief, because you’re going to understand and know on a gut level that you can and will achieve your goals this time!


Fire!…Module Three

Module Three is where you actually start building and leveraging your platform. We’ve both been told at various times… “Guys, I see you everywhere!” Yep, you do see us everywhere. You see us on iTunes, on YouTube, in your inbox, on Amazon, and tons of other places. Yet, neither of us spends much time per month creating all this. How? The secret to this is in the details of what we do and how we do it, which you’re going to learn here!

  • Lesson Nine–Creating a Firestorm: Lesson Nine is going to basically be like pouring gasoline on a small blaze and creating an firestorm! Want more? Want more faster? Far more money, far less work? Lesson Nine shows you the way!
  • Lesson Ten–Laying Breadcrumbs: Lesson Ten is the heart of our “I See You Everywhere” strategy. It’s so easy to do and takes only a few hours per month!
  • Lesson Eleven–Becoming An Author…Even If You Can’t (Or Won’t) Write: One of our favorite ways to position and brand yourself is a positioning book on Amazon. Now, before you complain… “but guys, I can’t write”… don’t worry! We got you covered. No writing required!
  • Lesson Twelve–Leveraging Podcasts: In Lesson Twelve, we’re going to show you how to leverage iTunes without killing yourself or your bank account. We even show you how to get the amazing benefits of podcasting without actually creating your own podcast!
  • Lesson Thirteen–Becoming An Video Boss: Like podcasting, people generally think video marketing takes a lot of skill and equipment. Not so! In this lesson we show you all our tricks that we use to kill it with video marketing, without spending a ton of time and/or money!
  • Lesson Fourteen—Hijacking Other People’s Authority: In Lesson Fourteen, you’re going to learn our own “stealth” way to gain massive credibility in whatever marketplace we’re in. For the little time required to do this, the benefits are huge…and lasting!
  • Lesson Fifteen—Owning The Client: If you want total marketing domination, Lesson Fifteen is the key!


Bottom line! Becoming an Instant Expert will radically alter your business for the better. You’ll make more money , easier than you ever dreamed possible. Best of all, this will work even if you’ve never made one cent in offline marketing, or anything else for that matter!


HUGE Bonus! Join Our Growing, Thriving Community!

It gets better! Purchase today and we’ll give you full access our thriving IM FastTrack community! Our community is full of high energy, online entrepreneurs just like you. These are people from all backgrounds and with all skill levels. All of these people, newbie to more experienced marketers alike, are all there to help each other (and you) achieve your goals. This membership alone is well worth the price of our whole package…
==> See for yourself here!


More soon,

Barb Ling

ps – What did you think of the 15th step?