👍Quick Recap: Offline Business in a Box? (not PLR but the actual method of profiting via local?:  The New LinkedIn Solution

👍Quick Recap: Offline Business in a Box? (not PLR but the actual method of profiting via local?: The New LinkedIn Solution


Barb Ling here and did you see this LinkedIn Business in a Box?  


==> NEW LinkedIn Solution!

Your Benefits:   You learn how to take advantage of all the new goodness!


Brief, pithy and to the point…

Let’s dive right into this, shall we?

Want to learn from the product creator and Gloria:

  • Module 1 – How Microsoft Broke LinkedIn, And How You Can Profit Wildly From It : Module 1 introduces you to everything you need to know about the new LinkedIn user interface. How it’s different. The pros and the cons. Also, gives you a bird’s eye view of the tremendous opportunity that’s just waiting for you there! Don’t skip this, even if you’re excited to get into the meat of the course below. Gloria’s method is completely step-by-step and very accessible to both newbies and experienced marketers alike.
  • Module 2- Gloria’s “4-Hour Work Week” Prospecting Strategy: No one likes to spend endless hours sitting in front of a computer screen trying to interest the wrong people in your offering. Gloria’s got prospecting down to a science! Watch this video, do what she says, and start profiting sooner, rather than later. Only prospect the right types of clients…the high ticket, quality ones! You’ll make a ton more money faster if you do this Gloria’s way!
  • Module 3 – How To Bank Big From Other People’s Frustration And Pain With The New LinkedIn: The amount of angst and pain that LinkedIn users are experiencing is literally off the charts! Where’s there’s other people’s pain, though, there’s your gain! In Module 3 you’ll learn the details about how to tap into this pain, solve big problems for your clients on LinkedIn, and make a ton of money fast in the process!
  • Module 4 – Skyrocket Your Sales With LinkedIn’s Instant Messaging Feature: LinkedIn’s rolling out a cool new feature called Instant Messenger. This feature makes LinkedIn’s messaging much more like Facebook. Used wrong, you’ll just end up alienating your potential prospects. Used the way Gloria says, though, and you might as well be shooting fish in a barrel. Gloria’s way of using LinkedIn’s Instant Messenger is truly “insider information” which is going to make life much much easier for you, and profitable too! Better clients, faster!
  • Module 5 – Become A LinkedIn Instant Expert, Even If You Have Never Used The Platform Before: Gloria and I get this question all the time. “How can I ethically hold myself out as a LinkedIn expert, if all I can do is log into my account?” Sounds like that might be a real problem, right? For most folks this IS a real problem, but NOT FOR YOU! Gloria and I have perfected a remarkable, proven, split tested content strategy that will establish you as a real LinkedIn expert, even if all you can do is log into your account! (Don’t worry about the services you’ll provide, either! We show you everything!)
  • Module 6 – How To Deploy Gloria’s Uber Slick, LinkedIn Lead Capture Formula: The goal is to make more money spending less time, right? In Module 6, Gloria’s going to show you her own, battle tested formula for capturing only the right leads. The ones that will more easily end up being high ticket, easy to close customers and clients. Deploy Gloria’s formula and watch your business build itself!
  • Module 7 – Explode Your Income With This Completely Unfair Advantage: What’s in Module 7 is so secret that I had to beg Gloria to put it in. She only teaches this to her high-level, 1-1 coaching students. (The ones who pay her mega bucks to learn her insider secrets!) Obviously, I can’t let the cat out of the bag right here on the sales letter. Suffice it to say that if you’ll master this one easy to do skill, you’re going to put your business building, money making efforts on hyperdrive!
  • Module 8 – Fast Track Your Business To Real, “Job Killing” Money, Today: Module 8 is where the proverbial rubber hits the road. By this time you will have learned a ton about the new LinkedIn, and some of it’s going to be counter to what you thought you knew and what you might have learned from other trainers. Module 8 is where we put all the pieces together into one seamless whole. By this time, if you actually do what we tell you to, you’ll have your business up and running and attracting those high dollar, high quality clients.
  • Module 9 – Engage Our Profit Supersizer: How about more? How about you build your business faster? Faster, more money, more quality clients! In Module 9, you’re going to learn how you can set things up with easy, non-techy automation so that your business builds itself! No more work. A lot more money!

==> Of course you do!

And the enhancements?

Automated LinkedIn Solution…

Paid Web Ticket Events….

==> Start your journey here!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive:

LinkedIn Power

My own collection of the BEST LinkedIn tutorials out there!

Sounds good?   Gosh yes – LinkedIn is sooo popular these days….

And this gives you a way to start *fast*.


Grow strong,

Barbara “More Sales!!!” Ling

ps –  bonuses too!