☕ Friday Perkup, FB Acct Lost, eMail Inboxing,  AI, more!  7/19/24

☕ Friday Perkup, FB Acct Lost, eMail Inboxing, AI, more! 7/19/24

=== ALERT ===

First and foremost: Kindly ensure you have mkt@mkt.trendteller.com and btl@virtual-coach.com whitelisted in your email reader! The newsletter will NOT arrive unless you do.

Let’s begin with
Wait a Sec!

Today’s Fascinating Fact:   Did you know that in 2014, McDonalds considered adding Bubblegum-flavored Broccoli to its kids’ menu?

It never *did* reach consumers but you can read about it at:

McDonald’s made bubblegum flavoured broccoli to get kids to eat healthier

Personally, I’m waiting for the Ghost-pepper version.   🙂

Table of Contents:

☕ Section 1.)  FB Account Hacking??

🔥 Section 2.)  The Current Special

👍 Section 3.)  Speaking about that FB Hacking…

🌎 Section 4.)  The Unexpected!

🍀 Section 5.)  Achieving Inbox Zero?


☕ FB Account Hacking??

It’s Friday today and let me tell you… today was a total smoosh for me.  🙁  However, life happens (as you know) so let’s get to it!

First, what I’m watching *right now* is really really *really* impressive.  The creator of the eMail Platform I use, No Limit eMails, had his FB account hacked yesterday.  And the hacking was *so* bizarre!  He was told that his Instagram account didn’t follow rules BUT…

… the Instagram profile that was referenced was NOT his whatsoever!

And yet – FB banned him (in other words, they couldn’t connect his correct Instagram to his correct FB profile).

But!  He did not let that get to him whatsoever; as a matter of fact, I am now watching his daily email/marketing/social class in our group (Eeek)!

Now *that* is a fantastic work-ethic.   I am megaImpressed.   The fact that he has built his network OFF of Facebook has ensured that he can continue his business activities.

Can you *imagine* how powerful that can be for you?

Love it!   Now, if *you* should lose your FB account, getting it back is *really* hard.  However, I did find the following resources for you:

💥 FB Help Disabled Accounts – Official FB help

💥 Facebook Sub-Reddit – all comments/posts that deal with FB accounts being banned within the past one month.

💥 All Requests for Help indexed in Google – limited to during the past one month.



🔥 The Current Special

Getting Your eMails into the Inbox?
A 1 page cheatsheet how-to regarding the latest requirements for eMail Marketing – comes with giveaway rights so you can build your own list as well..


👍 Speaking about that FB Banning…

Look at today’s class!

I can show you the sales page (it’s still massively under-construction).  Still, however, all the how-tos and classes in his channel are available for you over HERE🙂)


What else?   Let’s check out:


🌎 The Unexpected! 

Betcha this is really different…

Did you know that every January 1st, a huuuge amount of media gets released to the public domains?

Think on those 100s of 1000s of books/media/etc are were released earlier… and then think on using AI to create something entirely masterful!  In other words:

And then….


🍀 Achieving Inbox Zero?

Ever wish you could organize your eMail and even achieve InboxZero?

Well then, walk this way!


And don’t forget:

Our Public Service Message: Beware The News!

Picture this: you create a viral video about a fossilized clam, and depending on the news outlet, the story spins in wildly different directions!  Is it a space alien?  Was it planted by Purple People Eater Peace?  Is its first cousin a Pet Rock?

Well… Want to see the media’s spin tricks in right before your eyes?  Visit  AllSides.com … or you can find every take simply by searching here

I’d like to encourage you to look into what *everyone* is saying, so you have knowledge of what’s being spread:

(aka… Media Bias)

And about business?

Our Other PSA!

You might NOT be a boomer (‘course, you might be)…

But you might be experiencing:

  • Anxiety/depression
  • Decrease in motivation (hello self!)
  • Increase in irritation due to the world’s current status
  • Physical/mental/emotional challenge

And that’s why you’re going to want to ensure you stay subscribed to me.

Because, unlike the VAST majority of marketers you’ll see out there…

I admit it when things go bad (as you can see above!  🙂 )

My health could be ‘way better, my drive could be ‘way better, heck… *I* could be way better!

But so long as there’s breath within my body… I will keep fighting.

Join me?  🙂

Remember, while reinventing, I’m going to section out my audience like so:

  • Beginners
  • Advanced
  • Folks going thru Anxiety/Depression/Growing Bolder/etc.

Stay tuned!


I’ll be moving the backend publication to another provider.

So pls let me know when you receive a duplicate. 


Thank you for enjoying my newsletters – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all these thrilling updates.

Grow strong,

Barb Ling, Virtual Coach and MamaBear
26-plus year Veteran Digital Marketer

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketingPioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of BarbaraLing.com
| she has taught beeeyons of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliateMarketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 80 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from every corner how to be successful
| on the Internet. And are you part of our rockin’
| new happenin’ marketingNmoose group?
| Perking Up Profeeets!
| >> https://facebook.com/groups/perkingUpProfits


Got questions?
I respond to every email sent! Happy to hear from you…. and remember:

Fortune Favors The Bold

Go out and make *yourself* fortunate, Today!