👍Quick Recap: SOFTWARE OFFLINE: 100s of leads from a totally untapped niche?: Leadz Rockstar

👍Quick Recap: SOFTWARE OFFLINE: 100s of leads from a totally untapped niche?: Leadz Rockstar


Barb Ling here and this just went live!


==> Offline Rockstar

Your Benefits:   You get software that finds offline leads in this evergreen niche for ‘way easier profits


Brief, pithy and to the point…

Bands, musicians and other niches….

…. well, they have zero clue how to build up their local brand !

And this comes with 4 videos over 2+ hours:

Find Unlimited Bands And Musicians As Local Leads

Video 1: Introduction.

Video 2: Local Marketing Introduction

Video 3: Local Clients Types and Expectations

Video 4: Why to chose bands and musicians as local clients

Video 5: Advantages of working with bands as clients

Steps System To Sign Local Clients With A 80% Success Rate

Video 1: Overview

Video 2: Step 1 – Get your prospects interested in your offer

Video 3: Step 2 – Build trust with your prospects

Video 4: Step 3 – Wait for their reply

Video 5: How to add advertising Role for Facebook Ads

Easy Facebook Ads System For Bands And Musicians Clients

Video 1: How to find Local Bands

Video 2: Find more Local bands using SonicBids

Video 3: Create your FB Audience for bands and musicians

Video 4: How to find Audiences for Bands

Video 5: Creating Video Ads for Bands / How to create a followers gathering campaign for artists

Extra Services You Can Easily Sell To Your Clients For Pure Profits

Video 1: Sell your Clients graphic services

Video 2: Sell your clients youtube views

Video 3: Sell your clients instagram followers

Video 4: Create your client’s professional website for cheap

This High Quality Video Traning Itself Is Worth More Than $497, But Today You Get It For Free With The Software

==> Start your journey here!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive:

Offline Consulting Strategy Pack

My own collection of the best offline consulting resources available!

Sounds good?  I think so – unsaturated niches mean you get ‘way more folks to say YES…


Grow strong,

Barbara “More Sales!” Ling

ps –  Bonuses too!