👍Quick Recap: Price zooms to  TONIGHT!: Darren Monroe’s Product Creation Workshop

👍Quick Recap: Price zooms to $97 TONIGHT!: Darren Monroe’s Product Creation Workshop

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and this increases more than 5 fold tonight:


==>  DM’s Product Creation Mastermind

Your Benefits:  You get his 4 simple quick powerful product creation blueprints


Brief, pithy and the point:

I’ve known Darren since 2012… and the man delivers!

So want you his insights into:
4 Simple Quick Product Creation Areas


His simple way to build instant framework outlines for product creation so that they consume your digital products easily

FORMAT Secrets

Learn how to build the BEST and QUICKEST formats that are also the MOST profitable online

CAPTIVATING Content Secrets

You will NEVER lose their attention again with captivating content that keeps them glued and ENGAGED your trainings

SIMPLE Online Delivery

Use the SIMPLEST methods to quickly deliver your products ranging between $10 and $100 dollars


Join him LIVE for an ENTERTAINING walk through of the ENTIRE workshop where he BAREs ALL (well not all).

But you get to see the not so bad part about EXPOSING yourself in your Product Creation to reveal the REAL person and WHY that matters

BONUS Case Studies

Watch himactually CREATE Products, Programs, and workshops right in front of your very eyes.

Hey it is one thing to do it but another to SEE and SHOW it.
==>  And he certainly shows you!

This is closing tomorrow….. (ie price zooming up)….

So take advantage of it today.



ps – Bonuses too!