👍Quick Recap: LOCAL ==> Google My Business Maps Pro PhD? (simple 3 step process for five hundred:  MAPS PhD

👍Quick Recap: LOCAL ==> Google My Business Maps Pro PhD? (simple 3 step process for five hundred: MAPS PhD


Barb Ling here and this goodie just caught my eye:

Google My Business Pro over at


The benefits include being able to:

#1: Use this PhD Google My Business level training to get your foot in the door by providing a simple and profitable Google Maps service... because

#2: Business owners will happily pay you $200, $300, even $500 to help them claim... and then you can

#3: Optimize and verify their Google My Business accounts and Google Maps listings...

#4: So that more customers can find them online.

Because you know....

#1: According to Google, approximately 40% of local businesses still have not claimed or optimized their Google My Business page....

#2: Many of these business owners don't realize that this simple oversight is costing them business and losing customers...

#3: Or that their highly- visible and better- positioned competitors are profiting from their ignorance...

#4: You and I know that 96% of local customers will never look past Google's first page to find a local business.....

And we also know that the only way that a local business can get on the first page of Google is by claiming and optimizing their Google My Business Page.

==> Learn how to cash in on this over at


Barb Ling