List Building 🎁 Give away this controversial AI goodie to build your list?

List Building 🎁 Give away this controversial AI goodie to build your list?



Barbara Ling and the Virtual Coaches here and ever wish for a ‘I MUST Have This!” list builder that makes people simply beg to join your list, if only to read this rather incredible cheatsheet?




Unless you’re a fossilized chunk of amber holding 65 million years old DNA that’s just *waiting*  to be turned into a theme park, you probably have heard of the excitement generated by AI.


Annnnd… chances are, your list members have as well!


🎁 So!   Why not give them that gift that really informs them how AI truly can beef up their bottom line?
I’ll include all the other info after the closing but for now….


Check it out here (and remember… PLR options ARE available!)


You’ll love what you discover!


Grow strong,


Barb with a whole lotta Virtual Coaches



Ps:    And AI itself?  I mean, everywhere you turn, it’s AI this!  AI that!  Heck, I certainly know myself how useful AI can be – using, say, ChatGPT, not only can I get my sales copy done in 1/3 the time, I can:

🧲 Generate AWESOME affiliate marketing eMails

🧲 Come up with fantastically funny analogies that makes reading my writing more fun than watching squirrels water-skiing (and actually winning the Olympics sports for it!)

🧲 Re-write my copy in the style of various award-winning copywriters

and a heck of a lot more!

And creating artwork?  My gosh, Midjourney lets me create awesome images I can build into covers like:


 or aid me to create thingees like:

And more!

Those are but 2 AI tools that enable me to increase my profits by engaging my future buyers.

But that’s just *me*.   What about the far more important person… you?

What kinds of AI tools would enable YOU to engage and eventually profit more?

That’s one reason why you’ll love our extremely time-saving and eye-opening one page cheatsheet (that comes with giveaway rights!):


Clocking in at…. errrr… 1 timesaving page regarding AI profiting, you’ll discover rather coolio thingees like:

🎺  150+ AI Tools to Flatten Content Making

🎺  Take Awesome AI Artwork and Sell It via Print on Demand

🎺  Automatically summarize background reading

🎺  MORE!

as quick references, and then not 1, not 2 but 16 Social AI Resources to give you that brainy nerd edge like:

🖖  Reddit Prompt Engineering

🖖  Reddit AI Art

🖖  Twitter AI Make Money Tweets

🖖  YouTube Visual AI Marketing Videos

and even not 1, not 2 but… more! superb tutorials like:

🪀 30+ Best AI Tools to Profit Plus Proven Ways to Monetize AI

🪀 How to Compete with and Beat the All the Other PoD and Soon-to-Be Vendors

🪀 15 GENIUS Ways To Profit with ChatGPT

🪀 In other words, yep… it’s rather cool indeed!

(Oh, and one more thing – not only does it come with giveaway rights, right from the get-go, you can ALSO choose PLR rights to create your OWN list-building cheatsheet as well (I’ve done the formatting work for you)!)
It certainly DOES everything it promises, which is revealing to you shortcuts and hacks for making your marketing sooo much easier, but AI profits can come from SO much more than Just Marketing!

Intrigued?  Well then…….
Click HERE to check it out!

The Future Has Been Waiting For You for quite awhile now…

You’re going to *love* what you discover.

Have a strongly spectacular day,

Barb Ling and The Virtual Coaches

PS:    And the Enhancements… Click Ear to See!


PPS:  We know you’ll probably get offers from zillions of other affiliates online… And that’s okay, because we’re the vendor!  So in this case, buy from whomever you’d like; they’re get to experience that fact that  NOBODY ELSE can guarantee you the kind of experience that 💥Barb Ling💥 and 💥Dennis Becker💥are known for delivering.


And you can take that to the bank.

