8 HOUR LEFT: 🙀 i truly DID buy the DFY30K offer; here’s the benefits but also

8 HOUR LEFT: 🙀 i truly DID buy the DFY30K offer; here’s the benefits but also

Editor’s Note:  It’s 4pm and this ends in less than 8 hours and … wow.  You’ll see why in a sec.– Editor

Barb Ling of the Virtual Coaches and….




(Sorry… just had to get the final image of my beloved bonus up!  Methinks you’ll adore it grand)!   And….


Have you ever said to yourself, Jeepers self…. I wonder if I can exist happily on DYF30K hours of sleep (yep, i know i just made up that time dimension)?


Well, probably not, as you’re a MUCH more sane and calm individual than me.  😀  But I digress.


Question: Don’t you think you should have something to configure and increase passive profits?


Well I thinks you should!


So let’s give some yummies into the nifty goodie!


Like I had mentioned, I bought it, now, y’know.   


I figure if it a niche I truly appreciate…. i should dive on just like you will soon be doing (i you give yourself permission to do so, that is!)


… is because I should let you know about my discoveries in today’s DFY 30K AI thingee.




i’ve pulled 2 nighter straight (okay, 5 straight), so yep… this is common knowledge me for!


And as they say, as they say, you know…


On with the show!  🙂


So.   The 30K DFY thingee!


I was quite happily surprised after I bought and logged in to test stuff out.


🔮 The nifty neato coolio thingees about include:


🔮 That DFY sales page/squeeze page/DL page/etc.etc.etc., hard-coded to your affiliate link?


Check!   Lookie how it’s done:



You see how I highlighted a weird way to cloak my link?


Well, when I tested in on the various DFY copy/paste pages…


The link carried thru! So as far as the claim:


DFY eMail Campaigns/List Building/Copy/Paste Goodness


🔮  It’s all there!


I’ll share more with you over the next few times but did want you to know It’s quite* a superb system:


🔮  Grand for beginners if you want to connect all the dots


🔮  Excellent for advanced folk if you want to reverse-engineer it like I did and truly see how  the vendor has made monetization truly an art in his launches (I taught myself a huge amount after realizing it all…..


💎  MORE!


Intrigued?  I’d think so – I mean,  you’ll have a front-row seat not only at something that can truly help you turn the key in your mind regarding affiliate marketing…


… but also spark your imagination big-time when it comes to profiting online!


🔮 Click HERE to see! 




And please dont forget.  Our bonus will include 2 parts – one is the Power Blueprint ChatGPT Made Mighty and available the instant you purchase it:



And not only that, you’ll also gain… this!





🖖   When you invest thru our link, you’ll be registered to receive said bonus when completed.


A true win-win, aye?

The Future Is Waiting For You…

You’re going to *love* what you discover.

Grow Strong,

Barb Ling and zee Virtual Coaches

PS:    And the Enhancements… Click Ear to See!


PPS:  If you’ve snagged a product through our link with one of our custom bonuses, you already know we don’t mess around. We deliver top-notch resources and ideas that other marketers can only dream of.

 Yeah, you’ll see others throwing tons of lackluster PLRs or generic products your way…

… but our bonuses are a different breed! They’re brief, they’re pithy, they’re to the point…. and they ALSO do value YOUR time so you get what you need… quick (not to mention, with zany humor too!).

In fact, they’re so good that we should build a launch around them. Quite simply… you won’t find this kind of quality anywhere else….


Except from us.  Because that’s what we do.  We’re dependable like that, see.
Remember, you can ONLY get our bonus when you choose to invest thru our link…

So!  Click ABOVE at my non-sleep-deprived, even joyful hyperactive, link above annnnnnnnd and get ready to hold online your sock ’cause they’ll be on a trip for the lifetime!  😀

