🧳 Want to be lawsuit-free in 2022? Here’s how.

🧳 Want to be lawsuit-free in 2022? Here’s how.

The last thing any online/local business would want is a lawsuit from some trigger happy person…especially in 2022!
ADA orĀ Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible DesignĀ states that ALL websites must be accessible to people with disabilities.
This means there are 1000s of website owners who need to get compliant and you can help them for a fee.
Imagine if you scan ANY website and find out if it’s ADA compliant and if not, what needs to be done to make it…
…then auto-find all the local and online businesses desperately looking for help to get ADA compliant.
That’s WebCop + ClientSecure Addon for you. Best part?
You can start this brand new Agency Service for your clients…
…help them get their websites ADA compliant and fix all other legal issues too and have WebCop doĀ 100% of the work.
Both of these go live 3 hours from now.
WebCop lets ALL your website visitors get a FREE ADA compliance scan of their website in 1 click…
…flagging what ADA violations they need to resolve ASAP!
It will auto-scan their website…generate a detailed audit with everything the website is lacking – which you can then send to your Leads & Prospects.
Just like that, start selling this as a service…start getting paid!
Sound good? Let me make it even better.
In 3 hours, I’m giving you all the tools to help you properly sell this as a service with my ClientSecure Addon.
Read Full Scoop on WebCop + FREE ClientSecure Addon here:
Remember, this goes live today at 11 am EST. See you.