🧲 1-click app builds 100s of CNN-style websites in seconds.

🧲 1-click app builds 100s of CNN-style websites in seconds.

The secret sauce to engaging free traffic? Controversial “News”.
News sites like CNN and others get millions of views each day doing just that because Google and Social Media love news sites…
letting them rank news sites up top all the time.
Imagine if you could create 100s of these unique news sites…
…all in a unique “news category”, getting spun unique news content automatically and showing YOUR ads on all those sites.
AND if you have 100s of news sites with your own ads on them, you could be easily making tons of sales and commissions easily without doing anything.
That’s what HelloNews & my FREE HelloAgency Addon lets you do.
HelloNews works in 3 easy steps…
Step #1: Log in, click create site & enter ANY trending keyword
Step #2: The app creates your websites, adds content to it and adds your ads from Clickbank, JVzoo & Warriorplus Offers.
Step #3: Click the Share button and start building the initial social signals for Google to start ranking it!
PLUS if you hit gold and create news-sites that people want to read and share? Commissions will double on their own.
And in 3 hours, I’m even giving you a FREE copy of my HelloAgency Addon to help you rake in more traffic from the get-go.
Full Scoop on FREE HelloAgency Addon + HelloNews:
I’ll see you when your free access opens today at 11 am EST.