🧰 I’ve removed ElitePix from your account.

🧰 I’ve removed ElitePix from your account.

That’s the next email you’ll get 5 hours from now.
Want to create and sell interactive CTAs, buttons, links, optins etc on ANY graphic…even on short videos?
Now you can. Today, I’m giving you my PixPrime Addon, FREE with Pixal2 through my link right here.
In the next 5 hours, you get all these FREE with ElitePix:
  • Pixal2 – Lifetime access, no recurring fee
  • ElitePix Pro Animator
  • ElitePix  Content Creator
  • EliteGFX Bundle
  • Design Sales Training
None of this is included in Pixal2, but you’ll get it all as a part of my ElitePix Addon that I’m giving away FREE today.
This returns to its $97 price tomorrow, so get it FREE today.
How exactly does Pixal2 with ElitePix work?
Create 100s of interactive graphics, publish them on media sites like Pinterest and generate 1000s of free leads and buyers without extra work. No technical skills needed. 100% pure profits.
Pixal lets you create HTML5 rich media creatives for:

🎨 Banner Ads
🎨 Offering services to clients
🎨 Creating DFY packages to sell on platforms like Fiverr
🎨 Repurpose others videos into interactive pop ups
🎨 Repurpose your own designs into clickable call to actions
🎨 Create interactive overlays using out HTML5 tech
🎨 Build & distribute everything from graphics, ads, banners, overlays, pop ups and call to actions

But I know what you’re thinking: How do I properly sell it as a service?
This is where ElitePix comes in. FREE in the next 5 hours.
BUT I can’t keep ElitePix’s free download link open for long.
To be fair to those who paid for it in the past, I’ll be putting back the $97 price tag as soon as my free copies are gone.
NOTE: It’s the last 5 hours you can get this limited-time deal.
Get your FREE copy of ElitePix Addon here:
Got questions? Email me back and I’ll answer them for you.