🦊 100s of apps you can sell…ZERO coding needed.

🦊 100s of apps you can sell…ZERO coding needed.

Here’s the truth about selling websites to local businesses…
…it’s something EVERYONE else is doing too.
Now, imagine stumbling upon something that no one else is offering yet…something that every business needs right now…and something you could sell for $2000 or more.
That’s right. Today, you can set up the exact same system that Starbucks, Walmart, and Target use every single day.
✓ High potential for repeat customers
✓ Social distancing-compliant
✓ Local business generate more sales
✓ You get paid by local businesses to create this system
With the new Mobileverse Takeover and my free MobileVIP Addon, you can do exactly this.
Mobileverse Takeover helps agency owners, marketers, and freelancers to Whitelabel this COVID-proof solution and create a solid stream of income from it.
✅ Repeat customers buy more…CHECK
✅ Social distancing…CHECK
✅ Local Business makes a sale….CHECK
✅ Get paid $2000 by local businesses to set this up…CHECK
Customers can scan the code, get 24/7 access to the business PLUS on-demand notifications…WITHOUT having direct contact with the business owner or anyone at all!
Honestly? Everyone WINS!
And to make this sweeter for you, catch this when it goes live at 11 am EST today and get instantly upgraded to MobileVIP at ZERO cost.
Read Full Scoop on your FREE MobileVIP Addon:
Looking forward seeing you in 3 hours. Your free copy awaits.