🤔 What sucks about Canva… [FREE 4 design apps inside]

🤔 What sucks about Canva… [FREE 4 design apps inside]

What I hate about Canva? The monthly fees and paid templates.
This is why today, I’m giving you something even better.
Get 6 premium visual design and video creation apps for the price of 1…WITHOUT any monthly fees here.
That’s right. For a single one-time fee today, you’re getting unlimited access to a visual design and graphic engine, interactive HTML creator, popup ad maker, and more.
And with ElitePix (free today), you’re getting 10X more.
Everything missing from Pixal2 as an app is exactly what my brand-new ElitePix gives you and then some.
If you want to turn your content into real, dollar value, then my Addon lets you do just that…all at NO COST today.
Here’s where it gets tricky. See, Pixal2 is ONLY a visual designer app.
Speaking as a marketer, it’s missing a few MAJOR features:
❌ First…an auto-traffic generator so you can get more eyeballs on your visual content.
❌ Then…a membership site creator to repackage and sell your content into an exclusive membership product.
❌ Third…unique design elements basic Pixal2 users won’t get and makes your content stand out from the rest.
❌ Lastly…ready-to-upload visual posts to get started instantly.
Pixal2 doesn’t have these…which is why ElitePix is FREE.
It’s the only Addon that gives you all these for FREE:
  • ElitePix Pro Animator
  • ElitePix  Content Creator
  • EliteGFX Bundle
  • Design Sales Training
But I won’t keep ElitePix’s free download link open for long.
Do yourself a favour, don’t get overhyped plr bonuses. Get ElitePix while it’s still available at zero cost.
Read here to get your FREE copy of ElitePix Addon:
Email me back with your questions and I’ll answer them for you.