📣 Want to add buttons, forms INSIDE your video?

📣 Want to add buttons, forms INSIDE your video?

Imagine swiping ANYONE’s trending video in any niche…
…and adding your opt-in button INSIDE it so viewers can directly go to your offer without leaving the page. Here’s how.
In fact, you don’t just add a link to anyone’s video. You can also repackage your videos into:
✅ Opt-in forms for your email list
✅ An interactive video with clickable buy-now button
✅ A direct gateway for your website
✅ And so much more
Turn your videos into passive conversion machines.
This is what FaceDrip and my VidMarketer Addon can do.
When done right, videos can do SO MUCH.
What more if you make each one interactive?
That’s 66% more engagement, 44% longer viewing time AND as much as 300% more clicks. FaceDrip does these to your:
  • Sales videos
  • Product demo
  • Affiliate review videos
  • Training & webinar replay videos
  • Blog videos
  • Social media ad videos
  • and more…
FaceDrip is an absolute beast but you know what’s better?
Upgrading you to VidMarketer at ZERO cost.
That’s right. In 3 hours, I’m throwing in this powerful Addon to get you ahead versus basic FaceDrip users.
Get Full Scoop on your FREE VidMarketer Addon here:
See you when your free access goes live today in 3 hours.