👀 Add your OWN buy button on ANYONE’S video?

👀 Add your OWN buy button on ANYONE’S video?

Ever wished you can just piggyback other people’s video content to promote your OWN link?
Well, now you can do exactly this with PlayerNeos. To help you get started, I’m even throwing in my VideoTrafficKIT FREE when you pick up your app.
Only the first 45 people today can get this limited-time deal.
PlayerNeos is a powerful, easy to use app that allows you to turn your average, same-as-everyone videos into “marketing & sales machines”.

In fact, PlayerNeos doesn’t just add a link to other videos. It lets your viewers:

  • Opt-in into your email list
  • Click your buy-now button
  • Go to your website
  • Plus more
Even regular videos hosted on YouTube or Vimeo or any other video hosting website won’t let you do this.
Get it with FREE VidTrafficKIT today. I only have 45 copies available.
Here’s everything you get FREE with PlayerNeos today:
  • PlayerNeos Commercial License – keep 100% of the sales even on Day 1
  • CreativesFX – rich media library of diverse stock photos for your videos
  • MusicFx – 1000s of copyright-free soundtracks
  • VisualFX – ready-to-upload visual content for all your platforms
Only the first 45 people today can get all these for free.
Stop uploading videos that don’t generate sales. Start seeing fast and easy results with PlayerNeos + FREE 4 apps available only today.
Get my Autumn deal fast, Only the first 45 can get this limited-time bundle FREE.
Get PlayerNeos + VideoTrafficKIT Addon FREE:
All your questions are welcome. Email me back and I’ll personally help you out.