👍Quick Recap: Your own done-for-you video spokespeople? 2D, 3D, humans and momre?: VideoPal

👍Quick Recap: Your own done-for-you video spokespeople? 2D, 3D, humans and momre?: VideoPal

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and my apologies – I missed alerting you to this as well!


==> Video Pal!
link at end

Your benefits:  You learn how to increase your conversions!


Brief pithy and to the point:

Want more sales?

Well then!

VideoPal helps you connect and interact with site visitors in ways that pop-ups, widgets and other web conversion tools simply can’t.

It allows you to reach out to your visitors and get their attention.

Then, it helps them to take a certain desired action like get on your list, click a buy button, and more!

With its cutting-edge digital animation, video and our revolutionary dynamic life-like text-to-speech technology that’s incredibly easy to use, anyone can create a custom avatar that fits your personality and/or brand identity!

Choose from a wide selection of male or female avatars (live, 2D and 3D-animated) as well as 47 different voices, accents and over 24 languages (additional options are available)!

You can even use your own video and/or voice-overs to create your avatars….

This versatility gives you the power to custom-create an avatar that will connect with your sites’ audiences!

==> See for yourself here!

And how else can it be used?

So glad you asked!

If you’re an internet marketer…

Add VideoPal to your blogs, websites and affiliate landing pages. You’ll instantly boost sales and lead signups!

Example: Use VideoPal to offer visitors a cool free ebook or digital product giveaway to get them on your list. You’ll get higher opt-in rates –with no additional effort or advertising expense!

If you’re an offline consultant…

You can offer VideoPal to your business clients for a set monthly fee.

Create and install a powerful avatar on your client’s website in less than an hour, then get paid every month with no additional overhead or expense! (Our bonus case studies will show you exactly how it’s done!)

If you’re a social media marketer…

Use VideoPal to leverage content on other sites that have good viral or social traction, such as BuzzFeed, Upworthy or Mashable using your VideoPal proprietary live-link technology!

Your avatar will appear on the content’s page and interact with each person who clicks via your link. Invite them to join your list, click through to your site or whatever else you want them to do, with no need to create your own content!

You can use this powerful capability to get super-cheap leads from inexpensive post-engagement ads on Facebook and a whole lot more!

If you run an e-commerce store…

Use your VideoPal avatar to offer incentives to your visitors to get them to buy!

Offer customers help to complete a sale if they have any questions or need more information.

Offer instant discounts to visitors who started a shopping cart to get them to complete the sale, and a whole lot more!

Your sales will increase, while your cart abandonment rates decrease!

And don’t forget, you can also build a subscriber list from visitors who are just browsing your store!

If you run a small or brick-and-mortar business…

Use your avatar to offer discount coupons, bonus items, “buy 1 get 1 free” offers and whatever else you want to get more leads and customers.

If you’re running a service business, it’s a great way to build a rock-solid prospect list.

For example, if you run a restaurant, offering a discount promo coupon is a great way to get more customers in during your slow periods, and get people added to your customer list.

The possibilities are simply endless!

If you’re a product creator…

You can use VideoPal to interact with visitors who check out your sales pages.

Get them to make micro-commitments, so you can either get them to complete a sale or get on your list so you can follow-up with emails.

You’ll dramatically increase sales with less promotion/follow-up needed!

If you run a small or brick-and-mortar business…

Use VideoPal to get more engagement from your blog readers or book buyers!

Invite them to get on your list to take advantage of special offers and a whole lot more!

If you’re an affiliate marketer…

Use VideoPal to leverage other site’s content via advertising or social media promotion, then get visitors to click through to your affiliate links and/or subscribe to your list!

Regardless of your niche, you can use news, blogs and other content sites to promote YOUR offers with endless possibilities!

You can also use VideoPal on your landing pages, bonus pages, review posts, and more to skyrocket your affiliate commissions with no additional effort!

Regardless of your niche, you can use news, blog posts and other content sites to promote YOUR offers with endless possibilities!
==> Grab it HERE!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive:

Video Marketing Power!

Which has all of my best resources for power video marketing profits today!

Sounds good?   Indeed – video is hugely important these days… and this makes it easy to create that call to action that gets people to buy!


Grow strong,

Barb “I like Done For You!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

==> PS:  Price increasing soon!