👍Quick Recap: PLR that is Better than chocolate and peanut butter…combined?: Social Networking Fitness Motivation PLR

👍Quick Recap: PLR that is Better than chocolate and peanut butter…combined?: Social Networking Fitness Motivation PLR

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and hope your day is going spiffy!

So!  You’ve heard of combining chocolate and peanut butter for the most awesome of delights…..

What if you could do the same for this superHot cross-sectional niche?


==> Social Media and Fitness/Health Motivation!

Your Benefits:  Done for you PLR content that fits both profitable niches!


Brief, pithy and to the point:

We all know that just about every diet works. As long as the man or woman implementing the system continues with it, the pounds will melt way and they will become more fit.

The problem arises when they fall off the wagon and experience a fitness failure.

Most of the content that you’ve been using on your side probably steers your reader toward programs and tips that help them achieve a higher level of fitness.

But what you may be missing is content that teaches them the tools they need to stay motivated and avoid the crash and burn common experience.

20 Brand New Social Networking for Fitness Motivation Articles

You want your readers to succeed with their diet. Word-of-mouth success is one of the most compelling reasons for people to follow a certain fitness expert.

One way you can do that is by teaching them to get support on various social networking sites.

This includes sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, SparkPeople and more.

Inside this pack, look at these yummies!

  • Save and Share Ideas for Healthy Meals on Pinterest – 417 words
  • Use Pinterest to Find Quick and Easy Exercises – 411 words
  • Join a Weight Loss Group on Facebook for Ideas – 446 words
  • Share Your Fitness Goals with Friends and Family for Accountability – 461 words
  • Create a Vision Board to Visualize Your Healthy Future – 479 words
  • Post a Journal of Meals and Workouts to Instagram – 431 words
  • Follow Your Favorite Fitness Experts on Twitter and Facebook – 433 words
  • Use Online Groups to Gain Support from Others – 406 words
  • Start a Group Challenge for Others Pursuing Fitness – 431 words
  • Keep a Record of Before and After Shots on Social Sites – 427 words
  • Make Friends Who Inspire and Motivate on SparkPeople – 481 words
  • Tap Into Expert Training on DailyBurn – 448 words
  • Find Stress Busting Tips to Curb Out of Control Eating – 489 words
  • Use Online Support to Power Through Weight Loss Stalls – 412 words
  • Discover How to Create Realistic and Achievable Fitness Goals – 541 words
  • Get Help Understanding Confusing Fitness Technical Jargon – 402 words
  • Read Real Person Reviews of Fitness Gear and Gadgets – 437 words
  • Find Creative Fitness Hacks You Can Implement with Ease – 475 words
  • Get Free Training and Nutritional Expertise on YouTube – 416 words
  • Save Money Getting Promo Codes Reserved for Social Network Users – 410 words

Combine this with fitness product recommendations and your site will be seen as a one stop shop for fitness success!

Too many sites that teach fitness and health appear spammy and desperate. This pack of new content is truly empowering to your audience.

You can use this content individually or compiled into one report.

You can use it on your blog, in email autoresponders, or even on social networking sites.

One Week Sale with 2 Special Access Discounts Available!

This sale only last from Wednesday 1/25 to Wednesday 2/1 before it goes up to full price. Those who grab this offer will receive special access to two additional discounts the general public can’t get.

The first is a brand new discounted bundle of six fitness motivational reports. If you grab that, along with the 20 articles found on this page, you get the choice of applying both purchases toward a lifetime total membership that is heavily discounted if you want to do that.

==> Did you catch that lifetime membership?

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive:

Big Book of Social Media Goodness

How to use social media for your own marketing today!

Sounds good?  I think so – .heck, I know so – Tiffany is one of THE best PLR creators out there…..

And this pack shines!


Barb Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Dont forget the lifetime enhancement!