👍Quick Recap: ==> Oh.So.Packed: Write emails… that will make you…. serious mooooolas?: List Breakthrough

👍Quick Recap: ==> Oh.So.Packed: Write emails… that will make you…. serious mooooolas?: List Breakthrough


Barb Ling here and did you catch Ben Adkins latest?  (and check out the advanced too!)


==> List Breakthru!

Your Benefits:   How to triple (at the very least!) your profits from your list and network!


Brief, pithy and to the point…

It’s Ben Adkins latest…..

And oooo are you ever in for a treat!!

Imagine you had private access for:

The Full 8-Part List Breakthrough Email Sequence

  • Revealed: The exact formula that will make a whole lot more money with your email list.
  • The easy way to communicate with your list so they’ll pay attention and buy your promotions.
  • How to customize the List Breakthrough sequence to work for any product, service or promotion you want to make money with.

The Psychology Inside List Breakthrough’s Power

  • How to make your email marketing a predictable revenue stream so you can stop praying for results.
  • The obvious mistake that 99% of email marketers make and how you can focus instead on exactly where the money is made.
  • The right way to build your sequence for maximum results and the lowest friction with your subscribers. Yes! They’ll actually love your emails and look forward to opening them… and… buying!

The “Oh Crap Tutorial” Email Template

  • How to instantly capture subscriber attention so they’re engaged and attentive during the remaining emails.
  • Learn the “Shock Loop” technique that triggers deep psychological needs in your subscribers.
  • How our “Teach & Tease” strategy builds positive anxiety in readers that can only be satisfied by your next email…

The “Problem in the Flesh” Email Template

  • How to correctly leverage the attention you generated in your “Oh Crap Tutorial” to get your subscriber to focus on the solution you’ll soon be selling.
  • The exact narrative you should use to draw subscribers into the world you want them to see.
  • The clever (and very “sneaky”) way to be entertaining so they will keep reading.

The “Solution Next Door” Email Template

  • How to execute the “Double Tease” technique that emphasizes your subscribers’ pain while promising relief (in the form of the upcoming offer).
  • The right way to “Recap & Remember” so every word you’ve written crystalizes into a “big picture,” priming them for the exact moment you will ask them to buy.
  • When to be ultra-specific and when to use generalities so your subscriber is left with no choice but to keep reading, keeping opening emails, and then buy when you say so.

The “Open Cart Stampede” Email Template
Ready to make some money? This is the “Big Payoff” for following the List Breakthrough formula! When you do this the first time, you’ll be shocked at how much more you sell right away!

  • The right way to introduce the product so your subscriber has a legitimate “Ah-ha” moment and realizes they need to buy right away.
  • The amazing secret tactic we use that actually gets subscribers to close themselves and hit the buy now link.
  • The exact structure of this essential email that typically works even better than the sales letter itself at pre-selling and priming your subscribers into quick and happy buyers.

The “One More Thing” Email Template

  • This “Special Touch” email is vital – it’s what most (unsuccessful) marketers won’t do – and it’s the #1 way to keep your promotion from bouncing like a dead cat.
  • Our special “Buy the Bonus” technique that consistently knocks people off the fence and converts them into buyers.
  • How to frame the product price to give you an unfair advantage, rather than not mention it – a mistake most struggling marketers make.

The “Waterfall Close” Sequence

  • A “can’t miss” way to close out any email promotion with three carefully sequenced emails that ensure huge closing day results.
  • How to acknowledge and handle any lingering objections to set your most skeptical subscriber’s mind at ease and make even more sales.
  • The specific times to send these final emails, how to avoid repeating yourself, and, ultimately, how to continue the value-based pre-selling that attracts buyers like bees to honey.

==> Imagining that?

Then follow THAT up with… the Advanced Package….. where you’ll receive:

* The “If You Only” Close

* The “Two Paths” Close

* The “Pillow” Close

* The “Mark Your Calendar” Close

* The “Puppy” Close

* The “Guarantee Escalation” Close

* The “Keep the Bonuses” Close

* The “Walk With Me” Close

* The “Close Your Eyes” Close

* The “Real Life Story” Close

* The “Unreal Excuses” Close

* The “Yes Progression” Close

Valued at $699.95

Each one of these Closing Techniques has added tens of thousands of extra dollars to his bank account… and they can be yours today when you choose the List Breakthrough Advanced Package.

==> Start your journey here!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and send me your receipt and I will send you my $297 eMail Marketing 3 Week Mastermind! 

Sounds good?  I think so – heck, I paid Ben Adkins 10K as a student years and years ago……

He *delivers* on what he promises….

And then some.


Grow strong,

Barbara “More Conversions” Ling

ps –  bonuses too!