👍Quick Recap: ==> My list only – 40% OFF! Done for You Clickbank Women’s Weight Loss PLR!: CB Women’s Weight Loss Domination

👍Quick Recap: ==> My list only – 40% OFF! Done for You Clickbank Women’s Weight Loss PLR!: CB Women’s Weight Loss Domination

Hey there, Barb Ling here and lookie... I have a coupon for you!


Done for You Clickbank Women's Weight Loss PLR!
Use coupon barb40 !

Your Benefits:    Besides the sales page making you laugh out loud, you get a complete done-for-you profit package (14 components) that enables you to dominate the Clickbank Weight Loss niche


Brief, pithy and to the point:

OMG the sales video alone is hysterical!

You’ll love the Hawaii 5-0 theme!

‘Sides that, this goodie is a done-for-you suite of marketing tools

 that makes it ‘way easier to cash in on the Weight Lose niche.

And you don’t even have to make any products or stuff like that
In a nutshell, possibly a walnut shell, you’ll be be primed for profiting via already big selling Clickbank Weight loss products.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll be receiving:

Resell Rights & Master Resell Rights
Component 4: High-Quality Weightloss Ebook
Component 5: HTML Mobile Friendly Sales Letter & Thank You Page
Component 6: Awesome Graphics
Component 9: Royalty Free Images
Component 13: Social Media Images Pack
Component 14: License Pack

Catch those Master Resell Rights?

Personal Use Rights for:
Component 1: Opt In Page & Thank You Page
Component 3: 20 Autoresponder Emails
Component 7: 10 Weight Loss Articles
Component 8: 3 ClickBank Reviews
Component 10: Keyword Research Report
Component 11: Cool Tweets
Component 12: Facebook posts
Personal Use Rights with PDF Giveaway
Component 2: Promo Report
[YES] You can give this away in PDF format to those who opt in to your list
 or to those who are already on your list.
[YES] You can sell it in PDF format.

Catch those done for you autoresponder emails to followup so you don’t have to?

And the upsells?

Really nifty – this particular product focuses on Clickbank

The upsell gives you the tools to profit from Amazon as well!

The PLR creator, Arun, is the gentleman who wrote “Rewrite Your PLR FAST”
. he’s definitely one up and coming star in the PLR scene
 high quality material.

And because this is a solo mention, buy thru my link and immediately receive my ownClickbank Marketing Authority

My own collection of great clickbank marketing tutorials!

Sounds good?  I think so – not everyone is cut out making their own products
. and this fresh goodie makes it ‘way easier to profit from Clickbank today.


Barbara "More Products" Ling

==> ps -  Bonuses too!
