👍Quick Recap: FRESH: Ben Adkins latest: How to crush it with recurring subscriptions for 2017

👍Quick Recap: FRESH: Ben Adkins latest: How to crush it with recurring subscriptions for 2017

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and this just went LIVE!

oOo ==> Ben Adkins Snap On Subscriptions!
Benefits You Get:   You discover how to create subscription models that *work*.


Brief, pithy and to the point:

It be Ben Adkins' latest!

He has made over 100k off of that little site and has modeled several other subscription programs off of the "type of content" that was in that program (and repeated that success over and over again).
As a matter of fact... he makes money on that program to this day.
In Short...
The Program that Ben discovered changed everything.
Over the past 2.5 years he has been taking that model and *perfecting* it. Ben has tested everything and perfected the sales process, the "subscriber stick" process, and all of the mechanics that make it profitable.

oOo ==> Catch That  Perfecting?

Today I am sharing Ben’s perfected model with 500 people in something that called: "Snap on Subscriptions"
Who is Snap on Subscriptions For?
This program is for Online Entrepreneurs who are interested in helping business owners grow their business and want to make a monthly recurring revenue by packaging a special kind of content into their Subscription Program
What's Inside Snap on Subscriptions?
So glad you asked!  Lookie here:
  • An Uncensored Look at a 100K Generating Subscription Program.
Ben is not someone who just teaches a concept. He tests it and refines it so that he can show you something that really works. He will take you behind the scenes of an actual subscription program that follows this exact model (it's done pretty well for him). Just seeing the "guts" of this is enough to help you put together your first successful subscription program.

  • The 10,000 ft Snap on Subscription Model Overview.
You're going to get a full view of how the "Snap on" Model works and how it blends a ton of things that you've probably heard about as you've waded through the online space... but puts them together in a model that ACTUALLY WORKS. Yes... You can do this even if you've never gotten it right before.

  • Why You Don’t Need Membership Site Software.
Until you're making over 50k a month online, you don't need expensive membership software. Ben will show you how to do everything with a few easy to build webpages, an autoresponder, and your favorite shopping cart.

oOo ==> Catch that no membership software required?
  • How to Build a Subscription on the “Psychology of Collecting”.
This is the core of why our Subscription Programs are so "sticky". Once you understand how this works, you'll be able to build subscriptions that get people to stick once they're in.

  • The EXACT Audiences that you Should Sell To.
Face it. Not all audiences are built for subscription programs. Stop trying to force a Subscription Program on folks that won't sign up and just let Ben  show you the exact audiences that will.

  • The Type of Content that Gets Subscribers (and keeps them)
This is the core of everything. Once Ben shows you the right audiences to target, you'll just need to know what type of content they will pay you over and over again for.  I'll show you inside.

  • How to Create the Special Content that Makes it Work.
Ben will also show you a silly easy way that you can create the content for your subscription program. It takes a little work, but once it's done, it will make you money for years. (and really... it's not that much work when you compare it to a lot of the things you've done that haven't worked in your business.)

oOo ==> Catch that Silly Easy?

  • A Full overview of how to create the Pages that Power it.
You'll see how to create everything that makes the membership work. You can build this stuff no matter what your preferred page maker. (WordPress, HTML, Clickfunnels, Leadpages, etc all work)

  • A Full overview of how to Power it all with an Autoresponder and Cart.

Once you build the content and pages you just need to create the "brains" to deliver it and make sure you get paid easily. Ben will show you exactly how he does it (and trust me... you can pull this off even if you don't use the same autoresponder or shopping cart that he does)

  • My Subscription Secrets for Making More Income Fast.
Just know that this is the Secret Sauce that you add on once you get everything built. You've probably seen me using this stuff in my own business but you may have missed how it all works together.

  • The 3 Pronged Snap on Subscription Asset
This is my favorite part of the Snap on Model. When you build things the way that Ben is going to show you inside, you'll actually be creating 3 things at once. One to build a targeted list (who you can sell to later), One to Build a Monthly Income, and One Asset that you can sell for a nice one time fee. Put them all together and that's when the magic happens. The best part... you get 3x the Money Generating Assets for just 1x the work.
Click Here to Be 1 of 500 That Gets Inside Snap on Subscriptions Today
But Hang On...

I'm not yet done!
When you click on the link above you'll
notice two options. You can get everything
inside of Snap on Subscriptions for the 
crazy price  offered for the first 500 or 
you can invest a little more and get the 
Snap on Subscriptions Advanced Package...
What's Inside Snap on Subscriptions Advanced?
You Get Everything Inside of Snap on Subscriptions and you'll also get access to a Ben's toolkit to build all the pieces fast.
You'll also get a behind the scenes breakdown of 3 Subscription Programs that Use pieces of this Model (these are live and making money now).
Specifically You'll Get This in The Advanced Program:
  • A Private Look Inside a $9.95/m Subscription Program
  • Behind the Scenes of a $67/m Subscription Program
  • An Over the Shoulder Look at a $199/m Subscription Program
  • Ben’s PRIVATE Snap on Model Subscription Page Templates
  • Ben’s PRIVATE Subscription Sales Grabbing Script Templates
With this upgrade you're going to get an intimate look behind the scenes at everything Ben's team has learned about creating, running, and growing a Subscription Program.

oOo ==> Catch that Private?
Everything you'll be Learning in Snap on Subscriptions and the Advanced Package has made him a fortune and he normally reserves this information for those in his 15k Mastermind... but.. Today is a Special THANK YOU for being a Loyal Customer.  
As Small as Your Investment will be if you are one of the 500 to get in before I sell out, Ben is also offering a monster guarantee.
The Snap On Subscriptions Guarantee...
You've got 60 Days to Put this into  action with your business. If you create your first successful subscription and don't sign up your first member within the next 60 days... I want you to ask for your money back...  and Ben will give it to you no questions asked.
But Please Remember...
We are only selling 500 Copies and then we're closing it down.
No Fancy Sales Page...

Just Click Here to Get it Now

You'll be Glad You Did.
This is being sent out to my entire customer list at 11AM EST... 
Please Make sure you don't wait to grab your spot.
I'm so excited for you to use this to build a simple and real recurring asset.
(you'll see why once you get inside)
Grow strong,

Barb Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps -  Limited to only 500!