👍Quick Recap: 75% off Sale ENDING REALLY SOON: Dennis Becker’s true story that might become yours (as usual, woefully underpriced): Small Reports Fortune

👍Quick Recap: 75% off Sale ENDING REALLY SOON: Dennis Becker’s true story that might become yours (as usual, woefully underpriced): Small Reports Fortune

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and HEADSUP!  This is increasing tomorrow first thing and you definitely want to get it …. today!


==> The seeds of it…. fixed his 300K credit card debt
link at end

Your benefits:  <swoon>


Brief pithy and to the point:

While I was up taking my kid to check out an early college idea….

Dennis released…. *this*.  Here, read his words:

“….My Internet marketing career started in 2006 when I decided to write a little report telling how I had managed to earn a $38,000 profit from some really (REALLY!) ugly affiliate pages and some paid ads that I couldn’t really afford at the time.

I had over $300,000 in credit card debt at the time, as well as a home equity loan, and a mortgage. So yeah, I couldn’t afford to lose more money.

And after earning that $38,000 profit in about 6 weeks, I continued to do it consistently, and wrote down the step by step strategy.

That little report wasn’t meant to turn into a book, but it evolved to that.

And that book didn’t mean to turn into a following or a membership site, but it evolved into that.

And that membership site didn’t start out as a platform to make a lot of friendships and help thousands of people, but it did.

And if you had told me when I started writing that little report how much income it would lead to, and how many friends I would make, and how it would enable me to spend time with my wife when she needed me instead of having to work to pay the bills, I wouldn’t have believed you.

But it did.

It all started with a small report… and evolved.

Now I have several hundred products available just on my Nanacast platform. That includes, of course, bundles of other products, but it all started with the first small report.

It took me around 2 days to write the first version of 5 Bucks a Day, and everything else just sort of happened.

Now let me ask you…

If YOU sat down for 2 days, do you think you could brainstorm and outline and write or narrate something that could help people learn to do something?

You could do it in any niche you want, from any place in the world.

You might answer no, and to be honest, I had that same negative feeling also, but friends urged me to ignore that feeling. So I wrote it for them, just a few people in a forum I was in at the time.

That’s how you could start. Put one or two faces on your potential audience and write something for him or her or them and write with passion from your heart.

That’s what I did back then, and though it took a while to change my life, the time would have passed anyway, so here I am.

I could probably write a course about writing small reports as a launching pad for success, but I really, really don’t like reinventing the wheel, when the existing “wheel” is so perfect.

==> http://askbling.com/smallfr

As you’ll read on that page, it’s just about all you need to know to start an empire of small reports, and then bundles of multiple small reports, and then home study courses, or membership sites, or however you want to tie them together.

A few years from now you might have several hundred products including bundles of reports on whatever platform you’ll be using at the time.

I’ve done it. There’s nothing I’ve done that was rocket science, that anyone else couldn’t do with the right plan and mindset and determination in place.

By the way, Small Reports Fortune normally sells for $97, and if you purchased it from the original author, you know that price is a bargain.

But for a very short time, I’m discounting it to only $27, so that it can help as many people as possible.

Please check it out, I know you have other things that are crying out for your attention, but maybe you’ll look back on today from the future and say, I sure am glad I took the 10 minutes to read that letter, and the day or two to go through the report, and the couple days to start my own small report empire.

I hope you’ll contact me then and let me know your own story.

==> http://askbling.com/smallfr

I can definitely vouch Dennis walks the walk he talked (I spoke at his E1KaDay event twice… the man radiates smarts and goodness)….

‘Tis truly a bargain indeed.


Grow strong,

Barb “I like Done For You!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

==> PS:  It also:

  • Provides a potentially job-replacing income, so you can fire your boss
  • Makes money for you on autopilot, so you can earn while you sleep
  • Is completely straightforward, so you have no technical headaches 
  • Takes less than 30 minutes a day to implement, so you have more time to do what you want

==> Here’s an example of stacking short reports:
Small Reports Revelation ($9.97 report)
This report is the “lite” version of the course you are now reading about. It’s basically what I call an “introductory” report that is designed to give useful information to the reader, share valuable insights into an idea or concept, and introduce them to a premium priced offer. These low-cost, stand-alone reports are great sellers and establish a trust relationship with the customer. If you deliver good information in the small reports, many will buy “bundles” from you.


Traffic Fuel ($20/month membership site)
If you visit Traffic-Fuel.com you’ll see a 12-month membership at the site. Each month you receive a longer “small report” (thus the $20 price tag instead of $7-$9.97) that teaches a different way to generate traffic (visitors) to your website. There is a common “theme” (traffic generation) for all of the reports. The most important thing is the MONTHLY RESIDUAL INCOME. When someone joins the membership site, they are automatically billed the $20 every month for the 12 month period, unless they cancel. These small reports can easily be turned into a membership site for regular, secure monthly income.


Small Reports Fortune  ($97 Course, discounted today to $27)
This is the course that you are reading about on this page. When you get to the bottom (if you haven’t already peeked) you’ll see that the price is $97.00 for this deluxe, tell-all course. It was originally created as a series of small reports that were sold. Over time, they were bundled together into this course, polished up just a bit, and now sell for $97.00 per order. Because it’s digitally delivered, it’s $97.00 profit every time someone orders the course.


Membership to go  ($297 licensing)
Remember Traffic-Fuel above? Beforeit was launched, there was another similar 12-month membershp site called The Internet Marketing Report. It sold for $20 per month, $240 for the year. The owner offered “private label rights” (PLR) licensing to the entire membership. What this means is that customers a one-time fee in order to sell the membership site at their own site and keep all the money they make. These licenses sold for $297 each. This is basically FREE MONEY as money was already made from the original small reports. In fact, it’s not uncommon for customers who bought the original reports to go ahead and buy the licensing!


Fulltime Formula  ($997 eClass)
Full-Time Formula is an amazing 4-week eclass. It’s a 4-week coaching program where you get weekly curriculum (a series of bundled reports!) and one-one-one email coaching. By adding in an assignment for each week’s curriculum and personal access via email, a big-ticket price of $997.00 per order for the bundle can be reached. To me, this is the ultimate profit-generator when it comes to selling information … when it includes personal, one-on-one interaction with the author of the materials.

These are just a few of the ways that bundled small reports have resulted in larger packages and offers. There are many, many other examples that I could point to.

Whatcha waitin’ for?  Grab the Small Reports Fortune at 75% savings: