💝 Day 99 of the Self Confidence Challenge – I will proactively STOP negative thoughts before they become reality

Tell yourself today: I will proactively STOP negative thoughts before they become reality. Day 99 of the Self Confidence Challenge

Click HERE to join the Self Confidence Challenge! http://asksfi.com/scsGood morning!

Yesterday, we chatted about body language.

Today, let’s talk about some ways to improve that body language!

Move to:

You can proactively STOP negative thoughts before they become reality.

To wit:


When you train yourself to recognize your habit of dwelling on negative thoughts…

You can learn how to stop them dead in the tracks…. and pull yourself out of a negatively spiraling situation.

Isn’t that nifty….


Obligatory Steven Universe Goodness!  Episode 90, Restaurant Wars

Very silly yet adorable episode.

See for yourself:

Not to mention:




And if you want to get the lowdown on Steven Universe, check out my

Good stuff indeed.

So to recap everything imaginable….

You can own your reactions… and when you choose to stop dwelling on negative thoughts… they might NOT manifest themselves in reality.

You’ve got this…
