Perkup!  From Then to Now, Revenue Mindset, Cobra Kai, 25 Cool AI Skills, more!

Perkup! From Then to Now, Revenue Mindset, Cobra Kai, 25 Cool AI Skills, more!


Ready for the days’ adventure?  Well then, let’s begin with:

WAIT!  Before we begin:

Please do sign up for our newsletters so you can receive some rather awesome goodies!


And let’s start once again with our Table of Contents:

Idea #1.) Cobra Kai 40 Years!

Idea #2.) Awesome Mindset GoodNess!

Idea #3.) From Then Until Now

Idea #4.) 25 Awesome AI Skill PLR?

Idea #5.) Cold eMail Made Easy?

Bonus!  Public Service Message:
Beware of Fake News


Idea #1.) Cobra Kai 40 Years!

So, did y’all see the conclusion of the series Cobra Kai?

I certainly did – I remember seeing The Karate Kid several hundred years ago and wow!  To see how they were able to pick up the series 30-odd years ago with the original actors and bring *everything* (and I mean *everything* full circle…

It is one of the few shows that struck the ending note *perfectly!*.

Have you see it? It’s something that really really really just makes you feel *good* all around.   And motivational speeches?  Consider:

For me, the fact is…

I earned a Goju-Ryu black-belt and took a tournament-level kick to the chin that spun me over, around and wheeeee! down the floor.   Up I got as I snarled “I’m going to kill you!” to the sensei involved (yes, my calmness really could have been improved) but wow…

What a time.  So good.

Next, let’s move to:

Idea #2.) Awesome Mindset Goodness!

Looking to up your game?  One of the key critical aspects of that is… Mindset!   Something like this.

Click HERE to check it out!

Next, move to:


Idea #3.) From Then Until Now.

So you know how OpenAI charges $200 for one of their top tier, and it now includes Deep Research (which is basically chaining together different AI calls to work in the background and then present an answer later on)?

Well!  Lookie here at this FREE alternative!  Isn’t this Cool?

Soooo good.

Next, move to:


Idea #4.) 25 AI Skills PLR!

Ever wish you could apply AI to not 1, not 2 but 25(!) AI Skills?  Consider… this!

Click HERE to check it out!

Next, move to:


Idea #5.) Cold eMail Made Easy?

NoLimiteMails makes it quite easy indeed!

Now, the owner of NLE is NOT a native English speaker, so any misspellings or similar thingees… ignore.

Interested in using an eMail Service Platform?  Check out NLE!  I’ve been using them now for ages and am quite thrilled indeed with the service.



Public Service Announcement!

Now more than ever, you simply cannot trust any sort of media.

AI makes it superEasy to DeepFake videos…. just look at:



And don’t get me started on legacy media.

So, before taking action on any news you might hear, *first* check it out at the news site .  It reports news via 3 categories – Left-leaning, Right-leaning or Center of the takes:

Oh, and one more thing!

If you’ve found this newsletter rewarding to read, please feel free to forward it to your friends…. they will definitely thank you for doing so.


Grow strong,


Barb Ling
The Virtual Coach