You might notice the Virtual Coach site looks a weeeee bit… sparse. There’s a grand story behind that, mainly along the lines of “Things you should NEVER do” – I decided I wanted to get my store here going, and realized I had more than 20,000 posts. 20,000 posts are quite a lot, you realize, so I planned on deleting all posts that were more than 90 days old.
And let’s begin with:
WAIT! Before we begin:
Please do sign up for our newsletters so you can receive some rather awesome goodies!
And let’s start once again with our Table of Contents:
Idea #1.) Brilliant Plans
Idea #2.) Superb Use of AI!
Idea #3.) BioHacking?
Idea #4.) Excellent Bundle of Goodness!
Idea #5.) Cold eMail Made Easy?
Bonus! Public Service Message:
Beware of Fake News
Idea #1.) Brilliant Plans!
That WAS my plan, mind you.
The actual events? Well… WordPress makes it a teeny tiny big difficult to delete a huuuuge batch of posts in one go. I added plugins to help – gnope. I tried becoming one with the Universe, also a gnope.
And then I had the undeniably brilliant idea of simply going into MyPHPAdmin to remove posts! I mean, what could *possibly* go wrong??
Aaaaaand that’s why the site looks the way it does. 🙂
Idea #2.) Superb Use of AI!
Now this is quite a breakthrough in using AI for Digital Product Creation! It basically teaches you how to use a simple Table of Contents to springboard off to your own superb creations:
Next, move to:
Idea #3.) BioHacking?
Have you heard of Bryan Johnson, the guy who is biohacking his way to “being younger”? There’s a Netflix documentary about him and his ideas and while it might not be your cup of coffee, he *does* present some pretty coolios ideas upon which to think.
You can follow him on X over at and also his YouTube account at . Oh, and here’s a brief thingee regarding his Netflix Documentary:
Next, let’s move to:
Idea #4.) Excellent Bundle of Goodness!
Interested are you in not 1, not 2 but a whooooole number of goodies for 2025?
And! There’s ALSO a goodie of 17 Done For You PLRs – claim ’em as your own, upload ’em, sell ’em and keep 100% of the profits:
Click HERE to check this out as well!
Next, let’s check out:
Idea #5.) Cold eMail Made Easy?
NoLimiteMails makes it quite easy indeed!
Now, the owner of NLE is NOT a native English speaker, so any misspellings or similar thingees… ignore.
Interested in using an eMail Service Platform? Check out NLE! I’ve been using them now for ages and am quite thrilled indeed with the service.
Public Service Announcement!
Now more than ever, you simply cannot trust any sort of media.
AI makes it superEasy to DeepFake videos…. just look at:
And don’t get me started on legacy media.
So, before taking action on any news you might hear, *first* check it out at the news site . It reports news via 3 categories – Left-leaning, Right-leaning or Center of the takes:
Oh, and one more thing!
If you’ve found this newsletter rewarding to read, please feel free to forward it to your friends…. they will definitely thank you for doing so.
Grow strong,
Barb Ling
The Virtual Coach