NFL’s Free Agency Is The Latest Example Of Money Threatening The Sports World

NFL’s Free Agency Is The Latest Example Of Money Threatening The Sports World

Of course, everyone likes to make money in their life, but the way salaries are going in pro sports salaries, it’s a matter of time before it hurts professional leagues. This year’s NFL free agency is a peak example of that.

Let me start by saying that I am a capitalist. I respect anyone being able to make as much money as they can in their lives. There comes a time however when it starts to become ridiculous. I know I usually write about hockey on this site but today I need to rant. After all, our site is called Stadium Rant right? So, this gives me a chance to express how I feel that salaries in pro sports are eventually going to kill it.

Seeing The Contracts Being Signed Today In The NFL Started To Make Me Mad

Major League Baseball may have been the first culprit. When Alex Rodriquez signed a $250 million dollar contract years ago, many people that contract would never be beat. But in todays world its chump change. The leagues are not gonna stop, and eventually, the fans may stop too!

Do you think its just a matter of time before going to a game is just a corporate event. The only ones able to afford tickets will be big corporations who will just buy and pass off the tickets to their cronies. Where will Joe Fan be? He will be home, sadly watching his favorite team on the TV in his den. And then Bob Fan, And Susie Fan, And John Fan will be joining his at their homes as well.

This has to stop! Please make it stop, but how? As a person who has never made any kind of money in his life like todays athletes , it makes me want to puke. In fact I am starting to lose the love of the game. To me its not that little boy grabbing a bat or a ball when they are young cause they love to play the game and would do it for free. Now, its gimme a ball and gimme that bag! It has to Stop!

If these salaries continue like this over the next ten years, I guarantee teams are going to suffer with attendance. Tickets will become so pricey that season ticket holders will cash in their chips. Then what, game day sales will suffer cause the team won’t discount the tix and the fans won’t pay the fees. Empty seats will begin to surface even more around the leagues. And if any teams are not financially stable, watch as some teams start to move or fold.

End Of My NFL Rant

Don’t believe me? Well, just you wait. Let’s see in ten years what is happening in the world of sports and you will see what the picture looks like. It’s only a matter of time before we see our first one-billion-dollar athlete. Worse yet, maybe soon we will see an average bleacher seat go for over $1000 a game! It’s so sad to me, it should be sad to Joe Fan. Obviously, it is not sad to any of these pro sports leagues or the players they are signing to absolutely ridiculous contracts.

As was once said in an old movie called Network, as the late Peter Finch leaned out his window he shouted what most fans will be shouting soon. “I’m mad as hell and I am not gonna take it anymore!”

Originally Appeared Here