How to Make Money – LEGO Fortnite Guide

How to Make Money – LEGO Fortnite Guide

Whether you want to cruise around town in a brand-new vehicle, obtain a new layout for your dream home, or purchase a furniture set to deck out your bedroom, nearly everything in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life will require a bit of cash. However, because Brick Life doesn’t feature a comprehensive tutorial, it can be tricky to determine the best ways to stuff your wallet. While some methods of earning money, like getting a job, may seem obvious, they are far from the only way to earn money in Brick Bay.

In this LEGO Fortnite Brick Life guide, we’ll outline every method you can use to earn money in Brick Bay.

How to Make Money

Continue reading or click the links in the list below to learn more about a specific section of this moneymaking guide:

Get a Job

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As discussed in our more thorough, How to Get a Job guide, you can get a job by visiting any of the establishments in Brick Bay and speaking to the business’ unique NPC Boss. When talking to the NPC Boss, select the Hire Me! dialogue option and they’ll hire you on the spot. To earn money, speak to your Boss and ask them for a task. Upon completing that task, you’ll earn 500 Creds unless you’re working at a Trending Job.

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Trending Jobs are only available from 9 am to 5 pm in-game, but completing tasks at a Trending Job will increase your earnings to 2000 Creds per completed task.

Interact with ATMs and Accept the City Stipend

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There are dozens of ATMs scattered throughout Brick Bay, and interacting with them regularly is a relatively low-effort way to fill your wallet. Interacting with any of the ATMs in the city will earn you 50 Creds. While 50 bucks may feel underwhelming, you can stand at an ATM, and after a brief cooldown, collect 50 Creds again and again until you feel like moving on.

Brick Bay also offers a generous stipend of 1000 Creds which can be accepted every in-game day. When you receive an on-screen notification indicating the City Stipend is available, interact with the nearest ATM to collect your 1000 bucks.

Look Around for Dropped Cash

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The residents of Brick Bay are surprisingly clumsy and often drop cash around the city. As you roam around, be on the lookout for bundles of money like the ones shown in the image above. Collecting the bundles of money scattered throughout Brick Bay will earn you anywhere from 10 to 100 Creds per collected bundle. While collecting these bundles won’t turn you into an overnight millionaire, every little bit counts.

Inarguably the best place to collect dropped cash is the dining area in front of Le Swan Hautel on the southwestern edge of the city. The cash here respawns every few minutes, and you can expect at least five bundles to appear with each respawn.

Break into the Bank Vault

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As is to be expected, the Vaulted Value Propositions bank is full of various treasures, and though you won’t be able to stuff your pockets full of gold and gemstones, you can earn a few bucks by breaking into the bank vault. To break into the bank vault, enter Vaulted Value Propositions on the northwestern end of the city and walk up to Midas’ office on the top floor.

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Once in Midas’ office, enter one of the deposit boxes attached to the two pillars in the room, and you’ll drop down into the bank vault.

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Though it’ll vary every time you enter the bank vault, it can contain Iron Bars worth over 500 Creds and several bundles of cash. If you have time to waste, you can even let your character sit in the vault and money will continually respawn for you to collect.

Compete in Drift’s Race

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Although this is undoubtedly the most inconsistent method of making money in Brick Life, it’s also the most lucrative. Now and then, the NPC Drift will announce that he’s hosting a race outside of Wheels n’ Deals. Though it isn’t marked on your map because it’s technically not open yet, Wheels n’ Deals is the building to the right of Chairs, etc. and just north of The Trot Lot.

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Arrive before the start of the race, and summon your vehicle inside the blue box pictured above to enter the race. Once the race begins, zoom through the path of circular rings and you’ll be led back to Wheels n’ Deals to complete the race. Depending on your placement, you can earn up to 2000 Creds for your efforts!

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