How to Make Money Fast Early – Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Guide

How to Make Money Fast Early – Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Guide

They say groschen makes the world go around, and in medieval Bohemia, that saying proves more accurate than you’d initially imagine. At the start of the game, you’re rubbing pennies together, eking out a living in the muddy streets of Troskowitz. But what if we told you you could make money fast early on in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2? Enough to buy better armor and weapons, perhaps a faster, sturdier horse, and enough savior schnapps so you don’t have to worry about saving your game strategically?

Your journey through Bohemia is only just beginning as you step into the boots of Henry once again. To help you find your footing, we have a selection of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 guides:

Embrace Your Inner Bandit

Canonically, Henry isn’t a bad fellow. He’s the son of respectable fellows, friends with high-born knights and lords, and carries himself with a sense of authority and honor. That said, you’re not Henry; you’re just playing him. If you wish, you can turn Henry into a force of nature, swinging a mace heavy-handedly at everyone in sight, or you can sneak into a house in the dead of night, pilfering goods and groschen, or pick-pocket your fellow knights and lords for everything they own.


There’s a problem with this playstyle, however. You can’t steal worthwhile items, like armor and weapons, then turn around and sell everything to any old merchant in town. They won’t buy your stolen goods and will report you to the bailiff. You must track down a fence, like Fence Whitebeard in the Nomad’s Camp if you wish to sell illicit goods.

Alternatively, leveling up your Speech skill until you unlock Partner in Crime allows you to sell stolen items to any merchant in the game without running the risk of jail time or a heavy fine.

Playing Dice

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Nearly every tavern in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 features a one-on-one dice game table, usually outside the main entrance, near the seating area. Here, you can challenge NPC players to a game of luck by rolling the dice and betting groschen. If you win, you earn pocketfuls of cash. If you lose, well, you lose.

Completing Side Quests

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Many of the game’s side quests pay well, albeit more than a few prove less-than-worthwhile, as the quest giver tosses you a few spare groschen for your trouble. But more often than not, the game’s side content is one of the key ways to earn groschen quickly.

To start, seek out Lower Semine Mill, where you can find Melee at the Mill. It’s a brawling quest in which you must face multiple opponents in unarmed hand-to-hand combat. If you win, you’ll earn 155 groschen, with 20 additional groschen for rechallenging each of your opponents. It’s not a ton, but it’s the first step toward better armor and a sword that doesn’t break after one or two hits.

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