How I Used GPT-4.5 to Create an AI Cat Meme Generator for Fun and Profit | by Thomas Smith | The Generator | Mar, 2025

How I Used GPT-4.5 to Create an AI Cat Meme Generator for Fun and Profit | by Thomas Smith | The Generator | Mar, 2025

It’s going very well! My page is at 18,000 Likes in just under a week.

And, the page is in the Facebook Bonus Program. That means I can earn money directly on Facebook when people engage with content I post on the page.

What do people engage with most on my Facebook page? Cat memes!

I’ve tried posting religious content, food images, controversial topics and more. Nothing brings in the engagement quite as well as cat memes.

My typical cat meme posts gets hundreds of views and at least 60–70 Likes or comments. And that will only grow as my page picks up more followers.

Seeing this, I realized something: I needed cat memes at scale.

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