Best Ways To Make Money Solo In GTA Online

Best Ways To Make Money Solo In GTA Online


  • Rockstar Featured Series offers quick missions with boosted rewards up to $100k.
  • Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid allows new players to earn $500k in under an hour.
  • The Nightclub provides passive income but requires multiple businesses for efficiency.

With the recent arrival of GTA Enhanced Edition on PC, GTA Online is going as strong as ever. There’s more to do than ever in the massively multiplayer online sandbox. So much so that new players might be confused about where to go first and what to do to earn enough cash. A lot of the income players can earn in GTA Online comes from businesses, but players need money first before they can start owning them.


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This is a big concern for solo players, who don’t have anyone to guide them to the best activities or give them a leg up. There are a lot of things players can do, but the time investment versus the reward isn’t always worthwhile. This topic will cover the best ways to earn passive and active cash in GTA Online, including some methods that don’t involve buying a whole business to get started. These are the best ways to make money playing solo in GTA Online.

Weekly Bonuses

Grand Theft Auto Online featured series

Every week there are a series of quick missions like time trials, or adversary modes, that are featured and earn more rewards for completion as a result. These missions are marked with the Rockstar symbol on the map, so they’re easy to find, and they’re normally quick one-off missions that take a few minutes at most. The boosted rewards make this a quick way to earn $50-100,000 here and there. This is great for new players as there are no pre-requirements to start the missions.


Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid

Beginner-Friendly Big Payout

Grand Theft Auto Online cluckin bell farm raid

Another method to earn cash quickly that even new players can take advantage of is the Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid. Solo players can jump into this raid and make $500,000 in around an hour (forty-five minutes or less once players know the mission). The raid is repeatable, so for players who don’t have a business and want to build up cash quickly, this is probably the best option.

All solo players need to do to start this mission is go to the Vespucci police station and interact with the icon. The Cluckin’ Bell raid works a lot like a heist mission, so it’s quite involved, but it’s well worth the time investment given the guaranteed payout. For players who want to farm the mission, it’s advisable to bring a fast car to keep the overall mission time down.


Mackenzie Airfield Hangar

New Business, New Missions

Grand Theft Auto Online mackenzie airfield mission

The Mackenzie Airfield Hangar is the newest business in the game, and its mission rewards are well worth pursuing. The business itself will cost the player just under one and a half million dollars, but completing the main series of associated missions will net the player most of that purchase price back in rewards.

GTA 5 collage of different cars on the road


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These are some fun missions to complete, and once players are done with those, the Hangar continues to have repeatable missions via Oscar Guzman, a variety of 5-to-10-minute tasks like deliveries, etc. that net around $40k per completed mission.


Auto Shop Contracts

Repeatable Mini-Heists

Grand Theft Auto Online auto shop

The Auto Shop is a great business to purchase for any player. It immediately grants access to customization jobs that players can take to boost up cars for a modest amount of cash per vehicle. That’s not all though, as players also get access to the Auto Shop contracts, which are mini-heists that consist of two setup missions and a finale that can net significant rewards.

There are eight contracts that players can repeat as many times as they want. The rewards are varied but tend to be at least $160k per contract. One particular contract, the Union Depository, pays almost double that at $300k.


Most Wanted Bounties

Daily High Value Targets

Grand Theft Auto Online most wanted bounty

The Bail Enforcement Office isn’t an efficient business for making money if players just try and grind the regular bounties that come through. It is one that every player should consider purchasing for the daily most-wanted bounties, though.

Players get a daily most-wanted target whenever they log in, and these targets are worth over $100k for a single takedown. That means that players can just complete the most wanted bounty each session for quick cash, and forget about this business while they play the rest of the game.


Acid Lab Product

Passive Income

Grand Theft Auto Online acid lab upgrades

The Acid Lab can provide mostly passive income with very little effort on the part of the player. That’s only once it’s set up, though, and getting to that point requires a little time and cash investment on the player’s part.

Once the business is purchased, players need to source supplies, which can be bought or secured via missions. Then, these resources turn into product passively over time. Once the product is full, players can sell it for large profits. At full upgrade levels, the business will easily make $60k an hour passively.


Salvage Yard

Robberies & Towing

Grand Theft Auto Online salvage yard

Players might be understanding by now that businesses are one of the best ways for solo players to make money. The Salvage Yard is another option that has two great ways of making money. The first is from towing vehicles using the Tow Truck, which players can find parked inside the Yard. This can net around $30-40k for each job and they’re relatively quick.

GTA Online Kuruma, Nightshark, Insurgent Pick Up


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Players also get access to robberies, three set missions a week that can net up to $400k per job. These are special mini-heists targeting specific vehicles, and while they’re limited to three per week, the rewards make them well worth completing as a priority.


The Agency

Hits And Contracts

Grand Theft Auto Online agency missions

The Agency is a business that requires a big investment to get into, and the associated set of missions takes a while to complete. They’re some of the more involved story-based content in GTA Online though, so solo players who are interested in that should invest in this business.

The main missions net large cash rewards for completion, especially the Dr. Dre contract, which has a $1 million completion reward. There are also payphone hits and security contracts to complete once the business is unlocked, repeatable missions similar to other businesses that will net around $30-40k for some quick and varied tasks.


The Nightclub

Passive And Active Income

Grand Theft Auto Online nightclub

The Nightclub provides both passive and active ways for players to make money, but it’s an expensive business, and it requires several other associated businesses to make money at full efficiency. It’s the best passive income in the game, but solo players should expect to grind the game for a while before they can benefit from nightclub ownership.

Depending on the location, a nightclub will cost the player around $1.5 to 1.7 million. Locations further north in the city are more expensive, and some clubs have better access to locations like highways for easy access, so players should consider that when purchasing. There are a number of purchasable upgrades for the club which can affect its income, as well as cosmetic upgrades.

The nightclub generates passive income based on popularity, but the real money comes from the underground warehouse. This is the part of the club that interacts with players’ other businesses like the meth lab, allowing players to store and sell different illegal goods. It takes a while to set this part of the business up efficiently, but it generates huge amounts of mostly passive cash.


Cayo Perigo Heist

Big Payout, Long Cooldown

Grand Theft Auto Online warstock kosatka submarine

The Cayo Perigo Heist has long been considered one of the best ways for players to earn money in GTA Online. It’s even had its rewards nerfed since the original version of the heist released, but players can still make nearly a million dollars out of this one heist mission – even playing solo. It’s the only heist that players can do solo (technically, the Cluckin’ Bell raid doesn’t count as a heist). But, they’ll need to purchase the Kosatka submarine from Warstock Cash & Carry first.

This modest investment allows players to repeat this heist mission, though it does have a cooldown of two and a half hours for solo players – so players can’t jump right back in after completion. The heist only takes around an hour to complete when running it solo, so it has one of the best money returns versus time investment of any mission in the game.



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October 1, 2013




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