Have you ever wondered why people buy Bright Shiny Objects (BSOs) so many times when trying to figure out just how “making money online” *really* works?
Well, I’ve put together a wee list… Here’s the first reason!
Ever see someone go from “sleeping in their car” to “livin’ the dream in a mansion catered by big buff 1980s MacGyvers” overnight? (YES! I finally had a reason to create a MacGyver image!)
But I digress. Where was I? ah yes!
Yep, me 3! But when you see that, suddenly…
You might be like, “Jeepers! Where’s *my* magic money portal?!”
See, these stories are like the Netflix of the Make Money Online world. Think: Binge-worthy! Addictive! Exclamation Marks! And… dangerously seductive.
After all, who *doesn’t* want to believe that a success faerie will pop up next to their morning coffee-maker and drop a solid gold anvil onto their big toe?
So why *do* flashy success stories grab some people so hard?
Well, first those glitzy productions bypass common sense and light up viewer’s brains like the Rockefeller Christmas tree time 49 Energizer Bunnies.
“If THEY can do it, why can’t I?” they think.
After all, those stories show regular folk (just like them!) raking in the cash while they’re still figuring how to program their VCRs.
And what’s that they’re feeling? It’s HOPE.
HOPE, that is, with a side of “I’d like that yacht on the left too, please, in a vibrant fuchsia color”
And that hope can make some folk swipe their cards faster than infomercials seductively whisper “but wait, there’s moar!”
But you know what we *don’t* see? The late nights. The failed attempts.
The tears cried over sales pages that flopped harder than me trying to arm-curl 120 pounds.
We only see their “Highlight Reel.” The one that’s picture-perfect. The one that transformed all those Wahs! into MegaWoots!
Your takeaway? Stories are wonderful for inspiring us! But remember – the marketer’s job is to SELL; the customer’s job is to become an EDUCATED consumer. In the vast majority of cases,…
There ARE no shortcuts. Then again, let us be a wee bit serious. Does it *really* make sense to master serious business skills in under 24 hours?
All of that being said, however, you truly *can* build up a thriving online business and work from home. And stay tune… Part N shall be arriving, errr…. soon! 🙂