Perkup! Gold Pizza, Gmail Secrets, Will It Blend, Authority Building, more!

Perkup! Gold Pizza, Gmail Secrets, Will It Blend, Authority Building, more!

Today’s Fun Fact: Did you know that the most expensive pizza out there is an eye-watering $12,000 to indulge in?  See…

It’s not just a pizza… it’s an experience!

You can learn more about it here.  Isn’t that cool??

And welcome to today!

Ready for the days’ adventure?  Well then, let’s begin with:

WAIT!  Before we begin:

Please do sign up for our newsletters so you can receive some rather awesome goodies!


And let’s start once again with our Table of Contents:

Idea #1.) Discipline plus FREE: The Hardest Year!

Idea #2.) 45 Cool Ways to Turboize Gmail

Idea #3.) Will It Blend?!

Idea #4.) The Easiest Way to Look like THE Authority ?

Idea #5.) Cold eMail Made Easy?

Bonus!  Public Service Message:
Beware of Fake News


Idea #1.) Discipline.

Have you heard about motivation?

Certainly it’s a wonderful thingee… but what happens when motivation suddenly evaporates?

It’s a horrible thing to deal with, you know… your business would then suffer greatly and your income would decrease and overall?  Money-making would be quite impossible indeed.  😔

That’s one reason why I wrote the following:



I am really proud of being able to share this with you… it really DOES show you what is truly required to start a successful business online, and why SO many gurus leave out critical information for success.

I smash ALL the mirrors and blow away ALL the smoke and leave you with the plain simple unvarnished truth… the truth that SO many IM Gurus hope you’ll never discover…. and get this:

It’s FREE!

Why?  I realize you might not know me very well yet, so what better way to determine the quality you’ll receive in the future, than to give this No-Holds-Barred Blueprint today?  It will give you those critical steps you NEED to figure out *before* you can start earning big today.

You can grab this over at my DL page – as you’ll see, NO optins required, just click on the nice big blue Download button you’ll see when you click below.

YES!  Send Me My Goodie!

Thankee!  You’ll be directed to the Download immediately (be sure to check out the unannounced bonuses!) … but make sure to come back here to finish the newsletter!  More goodies await. 

Next, let’s consider:

Idea #2.) 45 Cool Ways to Turboize Gmail!

Did you know you can send a self-destructing email from Gmail?

Not to mention a whole lot of other thingees?

I sure didn’t!   But I certainly did learn via:


Click HERE to check it out!

Next, move to:


Idea #3.) Will It Blend?

I will admit… I’m dating myself here!

First, look at this Old Spice Commercial.

Next, look at the spoof that Will It Blend (such a great series over a decade ago) did!

And I suppose… this would not be complete without Grover.

They just don’t make commercials like that anyomore!

Moving along:


Idea #4.) The EASIEST Way to Look Like an Authority?

Plain and simple.  One of the easiest ways to look like an authority is to constantly share the latest niche updates along with quality tips and tricks.  Why?

People tend to follow those who appear like they know the most!

And if you’re looking for a huuuuuge amount of tips, tricks and other techniques to share regarding Internet Marketing, Consider this Ready-Made Resource – just an insanely low $7 (and only $20 for entire PLR)!   Check it out by clicking below:

Click HERE to check it out!

And finally…:


Idea #5.) Cold eMail Made Easy?

NoLimiteMails makes it quite easy indeed!

Now, the owner of NLE is NOT a native English speaker, so any misspellings or similar thingees… ignore.

Interested in using an eMail Service Platform?  Check out NLE!  I’ve been using them now for ages and am quite thrilled indeed with the service.



Public Service Announcement!

Now more than ever, you simply cannot trust any sort of media.

AI makes it superEasy to DeepFake videos…. just look at:



And don’t get me started on legacy media.

So, before taking action on any news you might hear, *first* check it out at the news site .  It reports news via 3 categories – Left-leaning, Right-leaning or Center of the takes:

Oh, and one more thing!

If you’ve found this newsletter rewarding to read, please feel free to forward it to your friends…. they will definitely thank you for doing so.


Grow strong,


Barb Ling
The Virtual Coach