Today’s Fun Fact: Allodoxaphobia is the fear of other people’s opinions. That’s the brain freeze you get when you’re scared stiff of what others think. It’s like trying to pick a restaurant with a group, and you’re terrified someone’s going to hate your choice… so you just sit there, fidgeting in your seat!
And welcome to today!
Ready for the days’ adventure? Well then, let’s begin with:
WAIT! Before we begin:
Please do sign up for our newsletters so you can receive some rather awesome goodies!
And let’s start once again with our Table of Contents:
Idea #1.) Take This for Zero Thin Dimes!
Idea #2.) I Won a Debate with ChatGPT
Idea #3.) Moose Trucks!
Idea #4.) Entire AI eBook YOU Can Claim Ownership Of?
Idea #5.) Cold eMail Made Easy?
Bonus! Public Service Message:
Beware of Fake News
Idea #1.) Take This for Free!
That’s basically my immediate reaction to today.
Now, you might have heard about ChatGPT (the first popular AI that came out in December 2022, and yep, I was the *first* person to productize it over at WarriorPlus ; heck, you can grab it at this link HERE. No optins, not requirements, just click, download, and enjoy. ChatGPT has changed immensely since that time). Soon enough, other AIs came into play – Claude, Llama, and now… Grok (up to version 3).
Now, Grok amazingly is free if you have a login on, formerly Twitter (I’m btlingstar if you’d like to connect). So I started playing around with its abilities and omgomgomgomgomg said abilities… are insanely good! I mean, check these creations out:
🔥 How to build your own video game with zero programming knowledge, using Grok 3
🔥 Get YOUR game up and running in 5 minutes.
🔥 Here are 12 incredible use cases you need to see!
So, me being me, I decided to test it out on some cool make money ideas in 2025 and let me tell you, it did NOT disappoint! I’ll try to include that in the next Perkup (which reminds me, please make sure to sign up to receive that, up above!).
Anywhos, if you have a login on, you can access Grok for free. Heck, just about ALL AIs have a free tier you can check out like:
So WHY is this so awesome? Simple! It increases your ability to make money online astronomically.
You can find lots of videos on YouTube about AI and Money making – here’s one that caught my attention:
Isn’t that awesome?
Next, let’s move to:
Idea #2.) I Won a Debate with ChatGPT!
Would you believe that? I basically asked ChatGPT :
“Good morning! What is the most important skill that long-term successful marketers have?”
And I *totally* disagreed with the response… and set out to argue my point of view. You can check the entire convo here. Now, if there is one skill at which I am lousy, it’s debate. Heck, I cannot debate my way out of a wet paper bag! *But* due to the discussion, ChatGPT agreed with me that my answer was indeed correct.
And that answer?
One of the key critical aspects of that is… Mindset! Something like this.
Next, move to:
Idea #3.) Moose Trucks!
One of my favorite animals in all the world are moosies! Why, you might ask? Well, one of our rescue dogs was basically moose-sized (only a weeeee bit of an exaggeration) and the concept just stuck. There are canine mooses and avian mooses and husband mooseband and and and and…. I found this to be most amoosing as well.
Such things never happen in my neck of the woods. Sigh. Ah well, moving on:
Idea #4.) Entire AI eBook YOU Can Claim Ownership Of?!
Ever wish you could claim authorship to an entire Done For You eBook about not 1, not 2 but… 25 AI Skills (and how they help you beef up your bottom line? Consider… this!
Next, move to:
Idea #5.) Cold eMail Made Easy?
NoLimiteMails makes it quite easy indeed!
Now, the owner of NLE is NOT a native English speaker, so any misspellings or similar thingees… ignore.
Interested in using an eMail Service Platform? Check out NLE! I’ve been using them now for ages and am quite thrilled indeed with the service.
Public Service Announcement!
Now more than ever, you simply cannot trust any sort of media.
AI makes it superEasy to DeepFake videos…. just look at:
And don’t get me started on legacy media.
So, before taking action on any news you might hear, *first* check it out at the news site . It reports news via 3 categories – Left-leaning, Right-leaning or Center of the takes:
Oh, and one more thing!
If you’ve found this newsletter rewarding to read, please feel free to forward it to your friends…. they will definitely thank you for doing so.
Grow strong,
Barb Ling
The Virtual Coach