Have you ever wondered why people buy Bright Shiny Objects (BSOs) so many times when trying to figure out just how “making money online” *really* works?
It’s time now for Reason 3 why people love BSOs!
This one taps into a deeply-craved desire many people have:
The Lifestyle Upgrade!
BSOs sell the dream of a lifestyle upgrade. You see that sales page and BAM – you’re picturing a Ferrari parked outside.
Leather seats.
Engine purring.
Neighbors yearning to ask for a ride.
The hook of the “Lifestyle Upgrade” BSO is simple – “THIS gets you the sports car!”
And your brain hunkers down and powers up into the world of:
Maybe this is the thing!
I’m just one click away from vroom vroom greatness!
Because honestly?
Our brains… we’re wired for more!
Fancier toys!
Bigger wins.
The kind of success that turns heads and makes folks wonder… OMG how’d they pull that off????
But here’s what really happens .
Fresh with excitement, you buy the BSO.
And… ten login emails show up.
Twenty more “must-watch” training videos.
Your inbox bloats faster than a Vegas buffet line!
And that dream car?
Yep, ’tis nowhere to be found!
What IS there? Just you. With your coffee gone cold.
Wondering if the car was ever the point – or was it just another ticket to life’s endless hamster wheel?
Now, here’s the important part.
BSOs don’t sell tools.
Read that again.
BSOs don’t sell tools!
They sell the feeling of winning.
Of upgrading. Of arriving. It’s that dopamine rush…
Right up to the time it isn’t.
So what’s the particular moral of this BSO story?
Before you chase that next BSO… ask yourself the following.
Is this REALLY buying me freedom?
Or am I just marking time until the next bright shiny object appears?
Realizing the WHY you BUY is incredibly important!!
‘Matter of fact, you could say it’s your biggest win of all… because once you truly internalize *why* you cannot resist BSOs, well…
You’re at the perfect place to begin your *real* journey to success online.